domingo, julio 19, 2009


For the first time in almost two years I spoke to him yesterday. The last news I had from him was an e-mail written as a telegram. He sounds the same as the last time but not quite. I guess what changed was the way I perceive him. It's a weird feeling, like when removing hair from the drain hole and the water flow happily but not really. I guess that's the way things are supposed to be, even if I choose a nasty analogy. Hair is always in between of things and some people trim it or shave it but it always grows back. The same thing happens to feelings, the most you want to get rid of them the fastest they grow.
We spoke for over an hour and didn't say much.
Stories updated that are quite the same with a pile of time upon them.
Contradictions, self awareness and condescendence mixed in a non cute anymore combo.
We're almost in the same situation and miles away from resembling (or I want to beleive so).
I listened and nodded and giggled and resumed my last semester in three sentences closed by a weak but I'm all right.
He was telling me that his father has cancer and his mother diabetes and I reply that I just spoke to my mother and the only thing she has is a swollen ear. When I realized how clumsy and uncaring I'm being I say how sorry I am and try to change the subject with no success whatsoever. I've forgot what a bad listener my ex has always been.
He's currently living in Rosarito.
At this time, when everyone's abandoning Rosarito, he moves right there.
I've got to admit that I am as contreras as he is.
We said good bye with the promise to keep in touch. I said I'll visit soon. I hung up and I'm not sure if I'm happy or relief…

2 comentarios:

Juan dijo...
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Juan dijo...

A must in the sun is to be prepared to put up with a few blisters, dear, wondering as we wander.
Did you get the OCDE call for papers?